A Tourist in Toronto

By Janeve - October 22, 2018


I do this EVERY TIME, and I am disappointed in myself to be completely honest. I haven't put out a post in a HOT minute, sorry about that! But, I thought this post would be the perfect way to dive into posting again! Plus, who doesn't love a little throwback to summer!

On this day, I took a trip to Toronto with my family! We didn't necessarily have a plan we just went where the day took us.

We decided to take the train since we hadn't in a while. The ride was only about an hour or so, we used this time to talk and relax. My family and I left the train and as we were getting ready to leave the station we spotted this bakery!

As we stepped out of Union station ready to face the busy, bustling streets of Toronto we noticed something new. There seemed to be a mini "food festival", that probably isn't the right term but that's what I'll call it. There were little stations, each belonged to a different company and it was pretty nicely decorated.

We made our rounds, glancing at what each place had to offer before landing on this frozen yogurt place. It was vegan (wow how trendy... just kidding) and it was super nice because it was hot that day.

With our frozen yogurt in hand, we headed down the crowded streets and crosswalks. My dad and I decided to make the executive decision to lead the rest of the family to the Eaton Center!

Along the way, I took in all my surroundings. The skyscrapers, the business women and men, the delicious smells drifting from a variety of restaurants and the beautiful feeling of the sunshine on my face. I felt so happy and warm.

After getting to the Eaton Center and grabbing some food, we made our way back to Union eventually after a slight disagreement in directions ( Hey! I thought I knew my way around Toronto. But it's fine! We all got on the train on time and in one piece).

It was a long day of walking, food and lots of laughs and I enjoyed every bit of it. Especially because I spent it with my family.

Cherish the people in your lives and the moments you have with them. Moments are so precious that it's impossible to get them back.

Thanks for reminiscing this day with me! Hopefully you enjoyed it? Even a little bit:)

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as always remember to...
stay humble+be kind.

have a great day!
JXNEVE signing off xxx

For any business inquiries please email me at jxnevebiz@gmail.com
Unless consent is given by I, Janeve Edwards, this blog post, or ANYTHING from it is not permitted for any sort of use.

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