how i'm feeling

By Janeve - January 09, 2018

hello friends.

This is a really chill and simple post, and I swear I'll post something proper soon!
HAPPY NEW YEAR BTW FRIENDS!! hope it's been treating you well so far, hope its been just peachy :)

but right now (excuse the bad grammar with the no caps and such!), I just feel peaceful and grateful.
this is extremely ironic because as i'm writing this it's 11:12 PM and i have a test and assesment to do tomorrow, isu's due within the next few days... so at this point I should probably feel stressed. (maybe i'll feel it tmrw lol) I think it might be the "Atmospheric Calm" spotify playlist i have on HA.

But I just wanted to remind whoever's reading this, to be present. In each moment of your day, just take it all in.We are given this life and we have a chance to live it the way we want. So choose wisely, with your actions, words and your intent. BE INTENTIONAL.
But more importantly, your time. Time is such a precious resource that we tend to lose track of.  Invest your time in things that matter (school matters! do your homework), invest in things that you find joy in. Find time, or make time for the people you care about and the things that make you feel content.

I am beyond grateful for my family, friends, and my mentors. These people have helped me in more ways than I can count and I'm so grateful for their support.
And I just want to thank God, WHAT A GUY, might i say, the true MVP. In times when words failed me, or i felt like I had nowhere to turn, I could just call out to him. The peace that he brings, and the way his presence has impacted my actions and the way I live my life makes me happy.

wow what a reflective post. anyway if anyone reads this, hey thanks for stopping by! hope you liked it and thanks for making it to the end:) k brb gotta go study!

more posts to come this 2018 xx

as always remember to...
stay humble+be kind.

JXNEVE signing off xxx

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