Goal Setting for 2017..

By Janeve - December 30, 2016

As we all know 2017 is fast and approaching, and most of want to start off the New Year fresh, with a blank canvas or a clean slate. I bet you half of us know that one person that always posts " Leaving all beef and drama in 2016." Am I right?

See, it's true! The majority of us use this transition to give ourselves a fixer-upper and clean up our ways. And one way to help you start the year off on the right foot, is to set some goals!

Setting Goals can be superficial, but only if you make them superficial! In this blogpost, I'll help you to set some goals for 2017.

Now, I understand setting goals can seem hard to stick to, especially halfway through the year. And usually, the problem isn't the goals you may have, it's just the reality behind them! When you set unrealistic goals it can obviously, be harder to complete them but also, after a while you'll tire yourself out trying to do them.

Don't take goals from Youtube videos you watched or an article you read. Yes, it's good to pull inspiration from places like that but, you don't want to set a goal that you, personally can't fit in your schedule/lifestyle.

For example, if someone said that they're going to go to the gym 5 out of 7 times a week. And you just write it down as a goal of yours as well, and you don't think about school, your work, or social events,  that goal probably won't be fulfilled and it might leave you feeling un-accomplished. Which you don't want!

So if you do set goals, think of goals that are true to you and who you are!

And if you need some examples to get you inspired then your girl has got your back! You don't have to do these but I hope it'll help if you do plan on making goals.1.

1.Taking Time for You

Life can definitely get busy, and this one can be tricky depending on how much is on your plate but spending time on yourself and doing something for you can be really satisfying. Your girl DEFINITELY needs to work on this herself, so don't worry we're in this together sista!(or brotha!)

Whether it's painting your nails, watching Youtube or playing some Grand Theft Auto, if you enjoy it, do it! It will help to relax and keep you less stressed.

2. Being Present

This one is kind of straight forward, just be present in moments! Put your phone down and engage in whatever is going on.

3. Go that extra mile, just do it! *insert Shia LaBoeuf meme*

I am writing this also as a reminder to myself because sometimes I feel sluggish and all I want to do is watch Jane The Virgin on Netflix (Side Note: JANE THE VIRGIN IS SUCH A GOOD SHOW 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND, okay carry on) when I should be studying or writing a blogpost. So just do it! In the end you'll thank yourself you did.

Also in terms of going that extra mile, in whatever it is your doing, if you can, try and take that extra step or go a little higher. It's rewarding see all your hard work pay off, in whatever area you might apply this too.Just push through girl! (or boy) and be a #girlboss

4. Find people that make you happy and cherish them.

I love this one, just writing this makes me happy. I know it's not fast and easy to find people who make you happy, but once you do find the one's that can make you smile by just being in their presence or can make you laugh by saying one thing. CHERISH THEM Y'ALL! People like these are hard to find! LET EM' KNOW THAT YOU LOVE THEM! It's nice to just sit down, talk and laugh it can be with friends or family!

5. Spend time with God

This one is truly for me because I understand that not everyone is religious, but I am, and I'm not trying to push my religion on anyone but it is apart of who I am. So if you want to apply this to yourself as well you can, but if not..that's okay too. :) 💓

In this upcoming year, I want to try my best to spend time with God, to bask in his presence and to feel the comfort and love that he gives. I want to trust in him in the good times and the bad and thank him for the many blessings he has stowed upon me.


But guys I just want to remind you that the New Year doesn't change you overnight into a better version of you. You have to put in the work and commit to the changes that you want to make in your life.

YOU MADE IT!  Thanks for reading and I hope my post inspired you and got you a little more excited for 2017 and all its new opportunities.
BE SURE TO LIKE, COMMENT ON THIS POST (no legit, please do),  FOLLOW MY BLOG AND IT'S INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT @jxnevewp (https://www.instagram.com/jxnevewp/), AND SHARE IT WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS!

THIS IS THE LAST POST BEFORE 2017 AHHHHH! Wishing you all the best of luck in 2017!

Remember to be humble & kind + love yourself!
Bye friends!
So.... for the last time in 2016,
JXNEVE signing off xxx

 For any business inquiries please email me at jxnevebiz@gmail.com
Unless consent is given by I,  Janeve Edwards, this blog post, or ANYTHING from it is not permitted for any sort of use.

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